Educators contribute to the profession.
“Educators honour the profession by supporting, mentoring or encouraging other educators and those preparing to enter the profession. Educator contribute their expertise in a variety of ways, including opportunities offered by schools, districts, school authorities, professional organizations, post-secondary institutions and communities. Educators contribute to a culture of collegiality.” (BCTC Professional Standards for BC Educators)

During my practicum experiences I tired to embody Standard 8 when ever I could. In two of my practicums I participated in track and field. This consisted of going out at lunch time and helping other teachers set-up various events, as well as tracking times and distances of the students that were participating. I also was a chaperone at the relay races that took place at Masich Place Stadium. During my time as a classroom teacher, one of the schools that I worked at a basketball program, I had arranged to help coach the team with one of the other teachers, but unfortunately I was transferred from that school before I had a chance to help out.
One of my passions in education is kindergarten, and I have helped out with “Welcome to Kindergarten” multiple times, once in my second practicum and in the last practicum that I did.

Another way that I try to embody Standard 8 is through collaboration and lesson playing. As I am a new teacher, this usually involves gleaming information and ideas from my colleagues. Although one time during my last practicum a teacher came into the photocopying room when I was in there making copies and took a look at the lesson I was copying, and said that he really liked it and that he was going to “steal it” for his class. Some of the students in my class even commented on how their friends in the other teacher’s class were doing the same project that they were, and it felt pretty good to be able to contribute to the profession in that way.